Is it worthwhile replacing uPVC double glazed windows that are over 20 years old?
This is one question that we get asked quite often.
The short answer is Yes. Replacing your outdated double glazing is a sensible option to consider.
Why should I replace my uPVC windows?
As with most things advancements in technology & increased environmental awareness has lead to improvements in the quality & performance of uPVC window frames & double & triple glazed glass units.
Older double glazing can lead to increased energy costs & reduced warmth in your home during the colder months. Newer windows can improve the heat retention in your property & ultimately save money on your utility bills, you may also notice noise reduction.

The manufacturing technology in the glazing industry has advanced significantly over the last 20 years with products now having a much improved U values (the lower the U value the better the insulation & energy efficiency). This is in part due to the increased volume of chambers within the frames, greater cavity size between the glass panels, the use of special coatings on the glass & filling the gap between the panes of glass with an inert gas such as Argon rather than air.
All of the windows that we install are A rated or above by the BFRC (British Fenestration Rating Council). They have developed an A – E rating system similar to something you might see on a fridge or tv to make it easier for consumers to understand the energy performance of the products you are considering. If you would like to understand more about the BFRC ratings we have this useful article here
What are the changes?
The uPVC part of your windows are more than just the white plastic frames that you see. They may look the same from the outside, but they can be very different internally. The chambers within the frames of both the outer frame & the sash trap air & improve thermal efficiency.
This is a section of frame (approximately 20 years old) that we removed recently from a Cardiff home where we were installing new windows. To the right of it is a cross section of the frames that we install. As you can see there are a considerable number of more cavities in the newer frames. The smaller grey pieces within the frame are reinforcement, which won’t be required for all frames. This is made from recycled uPVC windows.
The clients whose home this older section of uPVC frame is from told us that she had really noticed that the new windows had reduced the outside noise. She said it was the first time she’d never heard the refuse collectors.
As well as advancements in technology there have been changes in style over time which has resulted in many more colour options to chose from including the very popular Anthracite Grey & Chartwell Green. We can still supply more traditional finishes such as Rosewood & of course white.
When it comes to enhancing your home with new windows & doors, doing your research about the quality of the product you are chosing is worthwhile. Selecting the right energy rating provides long-lasting benefits for you and your home & gives you peace of mind.
At Pendragon Home Improvements we are proud to be a FENSA Approved Window & Door Installer & part of the BFRC Approved Installer Network.
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